Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The true reason of the Islamic radicalism

With the news of the attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya, and the sudden death of Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other U.S. officials, the whole country salutes and thanks all four for their service.  This pointless violence proves again that the Islamic countries are not ready for a true democratic self-governance.

Photo by fauno_25 at sxc
With the anti-American demonstrations in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East, the question is raised again: why do we help to overthrow dictators, allow for some bloodthirsty idiots to take over, and then reinstate new pro-American dictators again to fix the mess? 

In the words of George Santayana:
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Perhaps, by not helping Syrians to overthrow President Bashar al-Asad, President Obama makes a calculated decision to leave that mess for others to clean up.  Russians?  Chinese?

For the United States, it doesn't matter who wins in Syria.  Both sides dislike the Western culture, religion, and Christian values.  Why do you think large Islamic communities in Europe are trying to force a Sharia Law to control the population?  Obviously, they do not recognize laws of the land, government, or the Western social norms.  

Riots on the streets because of some movie that portraits Islam in a bad light?  Didn't we go through this with all the fatwas?  Danish cartoons and so on?  Islamic wars in Africa?  Genocide in Darfur?  Anti-Chrisitan conflict in Indonesia.  The list goes on.  

Maybe, the Islam religion, especially the Saudi Arabia Wahhabi style, is just not flexible to coexist with other religions and points of view in the 21 century?

No, there is a simpler explanation.  The one that goes to the core of all societies throughout the World's history.  

Whoever controls women, controls the society.  

Why such a bold statement?  Simple.  Who bears children?  Who teaches a child a first word?  Who take care of the basic mammal necessities of a male human?  If Sigmund Freud was right, and we know he was, the sexual impulses affect a major part of our life, women have an unequivocal power over men.

My wife mentioned an Oprah Show, we need you back Oprah, where some impoverish women started their businesses with the help of some cheap loan organization started in the United States.  The $5 or $20 loans helped many to grow very successful businesses in India, Pakistan, and some other please-do-not-drink-the-tap-water-or-spend-three-days-on-the-crapper-stan countries.  The husbands featured in the show were pathetic.  Blaming their wives for the family failures, by the same time not doing a thing to find a steady source of income.  

And that's just it.  Western culture exposes the pathetic men of Islam who are scared shitless of loosing the control of what's the most important to them: women.

My advise to the U.S. government: emancipate the females of the Middle East and you will free the Islam of radicals.   

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