While shopping for Mother's Day card, I couldn't help to notice some peculiar selection of the cards. Yes, the animal section. Let me mention only a few:
From the Cat, Mom of a Dog, From the Dog, From the Cat
I wonder how the cat or the dog will pay for the card? Debit or credit? Cash maybe. Personally, I find some of those cards quite offensive to the animal kingdom. Hidden messages are startling. What do you call "Mom of a Dog"? Yes, you've guessed it - a bitch. However, pregnant mom-to-be cat is called - a queen. Someone obviously is putting down man's best friend - the dog. Incidentally, father male dog is called - a sire. Would a sire care for a bitch? Not sure. One thing for certain, pregnant bitch is called - a dam.
So, if the sire breeds with a bitch, she becomes a dam and they both enjoy the litter. The pedigree is astonishing.
For next Mother's Day, I'm waiting for some cards from calfs, kits, cubs, chicks, fawns, eaglets, ducklings, foals, joeys, and quite possibly piglets. Happy Mother's Day - Hee-Haw!
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